Thursday, December 26, 2019

England Geography - 1218 Words

The the country of England is part of a group of island countries known as the United Kingdom or the British Isles. With a population of 65,511,098 it is a beautifully diverse country with every kind of person imaginable. England sits in the Atlantic Ocean just a mere 607 miles, across the English Channel, from the nearest country, France. It’s capital, London, sits at 51.5074 ° N, 0.1278 ° W. Some of the countries surrounding England are Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. These other countries as well as England are what make up the United Kingdom. This group of countries has an incredible mix of terrains, climates, and ecosystems. The North and Central parts of the U.K. are divided by the Pennines mountain range. In the Central and South you†¦show more content†¦This leads some to think that all of the U.K. is lush and green but truthfully the U.K. has gone through extreme deforestation and now deciduous forests only cover about 1/10 of the group of countries. Due to extreme habitat loss the only animals to live in the U.K. consist mainly of rodents, amphibians, fowl, and livestock such as squirrels, frogs, loons, and sheep. Sheep and cattle are the biggest parts of agriculture in the U.K. Despite cutting down a large portion of trees in the U.K., many people take green alternatives to work such as bikes or one of the many underground metro systems. England has the largest portion of underground metro systems throughout the U.K. The most known being the Tube of London. Other places with underground transport include Glasgow, Tyne and War, and Liverpool. The U.K. has about 30 airports scattered across England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. This makes not only getting around rather easy but also creates a place for tourists to easily get around and access the span of countries. In the past year there were 37.3 million inbound visits to the U.K. By 2025 the tourism industry is expected to be worth around 257 billion pounds or roughly 332 billion U.S dollars. Some of the most popular tourist destinations include the Tower of London, Big Ben, the London Eye, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey, and Alton Towers. When it comes to the economic situation England is currently doingShow MoreRelatedThe Functions of Geography Throughout the Time Periods of History1325 Words   |  6 PagesGeography is the one discipline that throughout history has served many functions. Function like where to get resources, take a trip., find new places and function its served during different eras throughout history Furthermore three of geography most important function thought out history is the purposes it served during the eras of Roman, Greek, Chinese, Islamic and early modern Europe. The important purposes of geography through these ages and the benefit geography got from European ImperialismRead MoreForeign Investment Into The London Property Market1421 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction In recent years, what can only be described as extremely rapid growth has occurred in the London property market. With a present average house price of  £458,283 compared to  £179,492 for the rest of England and Wales (Land Registry, 2015, pp. 3-5), London is an interesting case study for analysis due to a consistent 9.8% ten year growth average (Knight Frank , 2014). Something demonstrated in Figure 1, which shows property price percentage increase from the twelve months prior to DecemberRead MoreSocial And Cultural Geography : Explain How People Make And Transform Place1543 Words   |  7 Pages Essay Two: Social and Cultural Geography: Explain how people make and transform place. Word count: 1363 In the following bodies, I will lay out how place is defined in a sense of how it is related to people, state on how people make places, and propose how persons transform places. Along with these points, I will use texts to support my given answers. Place is a word that can be used in various ways. It could either be used as a verb or noun. For example, it can be a location such as the WellingtonRead MoreRelationship Between Place And Music And The Song Inglan Is A Bitch 1597 Words   |  7 Pagesrelationship between place and music and analyze the song â€Å"Inglan is a Bitch† by Linton Kwesi Johnson in terms of place. â€Å"Inglan is a Bitch† exemplifies the link between music and place through its lyrics and sound. First I am going to define cultural geography and discuss how culture is linked to place. Then I will explain local music spaces and why music has a strong sense of place. Next I will analyze how â€Å"Inglan is a Bitch† relates to place. After, I will finish with an overall conclusion. I will beRead MoreThe Five Themes of Geography700 Words   |  3 PagesThemes of Geography are: Location – Absolute points on a map or grid or Relative to where something may be; Place – The p hysical and/or human characteristics of a locations; Human/Environment Interactions – How humans have impacted the landscape or environment; Relationship between places Movement – How humans interact on the earth (i.e. how they communicate over distance (short or long)) and Regions – a unit of space that has commonalities defined by physical, human and environmental geography. The ExplorersRead MoreDifferences Between The North And South Of The World887 Words   |  4 PagesInequality, a topic that I believe runs through the centre of Geography, dominates both the UK, and the entire world. In the UK, numerous economic, cultural and political factors divide the North from the South. To name a few: there is a missing year of life expectancy north of the line, children south of the line are much more likely to attend Russell group universities, house prices have recently soared in the South, and politically, the South tend to vote conservative, while the North vot e labourRead MoreAnalyzing Coastal Management Strategies Essay675 Words   |  3 PagesCoastal Management strategies need to consider not only physical processes but also factors associated with human geography. Analyse why this is the case. Coastal management is a means of controlling development and change in the coastal zone and undertaking work according to agreed principles and criteria. By taking into account physical and human geography factors and people who come from the local areas views will help to ensure that there is good coastal managementRead MoreEngland s Culture Contains Unique Elements That Defines Its Country Today1464 Words   |  6 Pagesthat defines its country today. England is much different from my own culture because England is more westernized while I am from an Asian culture where most of my traditions come from China and a mix of Malaysia. England’s culture has been around for many years. When people think of England, people usually think of tea drinking, fish and chips, and etc. Its culture contains many traditions of music, food, sports, languages, religion and different celebrations. England is a country with creativity whereRead MoreLego s First Toy Product1511 Words   |  7 Pages even though people were cutting back on holidays abroad. . Some might wonder, how the LEGO group decided to pick Windsor England back in 1989. They looked over 1,000 sites and decided that England was the perfect place for this park. Geography. England borders Scotland and Wales. It shares a coastline with the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. The population of England is just under 60 million people. There are two zones: the Highland and the Lowland. In the Highlands there are rocky hillsRead MoreGeography of Uk4526 Words   |  19 PagesMODULE 1 MODERN REALIA OF THE UNITED KINGDOM (UK) GEOGRAPHY OF THE UK UK is an abbreviation of â€Å"the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland† (which is the political name of the country). The country is made up of four constituent parts – England, Scotland, Wales (Cymru in Welsh) and Northern Ireland (sometimes known as Ulster)âˆâ€". 1. Geographical position of the UK The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles – a large group

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Expansion Of The Deferred Action For Childhood...

President Clinton overstepped her limits as President of the United States to implement the expansion of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Policy through an executive order. An action that was previously enacted by President Barack Obama but was quickly canceled in the decision of US v. Texas. She, or anyone that retains the position of the presidency, does not have the authority to enact immigration policy under the nation’s constitution and thus violates the separation of powers doctrine as outlined by our Founding Fathers in Federalist Paper #47. In the case at bar, there are four questions that must be answered: (1) Does this case deal with a non-justiciable issue? (2) Does the Commerce Clause give congress authority over immigration policy? (3) Does Congress power to establish a uniform rule of naturalization give it authority over immigration? And (4) Does the â€Å"Take Care† Clause allow the president to change US immigration despite the previously mentioned congressional powers? At the end of this argument, I hope your honors will decide that the case at bar deals with a justiciable issue and that the president’s actions are deemed a violation of the constitution of the United States. The issue of whether President Clinton’s implementation of DACA is a justiciable issue must be addressed first. Baker v. Carr (1962) establishes the political question doctrine. This test determines that any legal dispute dealing with separation of powers, foreign affairs,Show MoreRelatedIs Bernie Sanders Proven Himself A Champion Of The Middle Class?987 Words   |  4 Pagesto citizenship, which will be accomplished by the expansion of current immigration policies, Sanders also wishes to regulate the flow of future immigrants by promoting the ethical treatment of immigrant family members and minority groups as well as enhance access to justice and reverse the criminalization of immigrants who are lawfully living on U.S territory. For starters, Senator Sanders wishes to update current immigration and citizenship policies to promote a quicker grant of citizenship for law-abidingRead MoreProsecutorial Discretion In Public Policy966 Words   |  4 PagesSo DACA affects a many different immigrants from all parts of the world not just the Hispanic population. To really get an understanding of how the current public policy DACA has come into play. We first must know its origins. According to Wadhia, (2015) â€Å"Prosecutorial discretion in immigration law refers to the decision the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)1 makes about whether to enforce the immigration law against a person or a group of persons.2 When an immigration officer from DHS choosesRead MoreImmigration Reform Should Not Be Eligible For Work Authorization863 Words   |  4 Pagesadministration proposal regarding immigration reform actions. If passed, the actions will allow millions of undocumented immigration to be eligible for work authorization. This will also effect the implementation of the Deferred Actions for Parents of Americans, Lawful Permanent Residents, and an expansion on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which affects teens and young adults raised in the U.S but born outside the country. If passed these actions will allow eligible participants to get temporaryRead MorePresidential Power Over Immigration Throughout From The United States1480 Words   |  6 PagesThro ughout From the Constitutional Convention to Recent American History The Constitution grants the U.S. President ample power regarding almost every aspect of governing the nation; yet, it grants him none directed specifically at immigration policies. In fact, the Constitution was silent on immigration altogether. â€Å"None of the congressional powers [in the Constitution] explicitly mentions immigration†¦ [which] led some to suggest that immigration was left exclusively to state control. HoweverRead MoreImmigration And The United States1464 Words   |  6 Pagesin setting policies and programs in place to address this problem. During the course of American history, laws were enacted to address such issues. There were numerous legislative milestones in regards to immigration in the United States. In order to understand the current issues regarding immigration, we have to look back at the policies that were in place along with the goals that they intended to serve. According to (Barusch, 2012), the United States had an open immigration policy ; which meansRead MoreImmigration Policy And The Presidential Election Essay1720 Words   |  7 Pagesthe flow of immigrants directly affects the countries security and economy.† This opening statement made in the video â€Å"Immigration Policy and the Presidential election† produced by Hagit Ariav and Jeremy Sherlick in October 2015 for the Council of Foreign Relations expresses why immigration is an ever present issue in American politics. However, statements and policies introduced by this year’s candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, have brought the controversial topic of immigration to a historicRead MoreAnalysis Of The Affordable Care Act1183 Words   |  5 PagesPolicy Background When the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted on March 23rd, 2010, it transformed the lives of people all over the US, in states who expanded. It allowed families to qualify for government programs such as Medicaid, CHIP, and government subsidies, and for young adults to stay on their parent’s insurance until the age of 26. The ACA was a sign of relief and good news for all but two groups, lawful permanent residents and undocumented immigrants. In 2012, DACA recipients under theRead MoreThe Dream Act2876 Words   |  12 PagesThe Public Policy of Illegal Immigration? Introduction Is higher education an entitlement? As a daughter of immigrants, this question can not be answered by a simple yes or no. Every area of policy is multifaceted. Every idea about policy draws certain boundaries in the realm of politics and in the debate of social and economic legislation. â€Å"Ideas tell what or who is included or excluded in a category.†(Stone). The rationale of public policy is taking a complex agenda, situation or idea and attemptingRead MoreThe Migration Of Cuban And The United States1721 Words   |  7 Pagesunrest in Central American counties (Pellegrino 43). Social and political violence in Colombia, which manifested in the second half of 20th century, resulted in actual population displacement to neighboring countries as well as other continents. Policies established in the destination country can act as a pull factor leading to an escalation of migration. In the United State, for example, both Obama and Bush administrations reinvigorated bulk immigration, particularly low-skilled foreign labor. TheRead MoreThe Expansion Of The United States1246 Words   |  5 Pagesto needs and political flow inside individual states is as old as Medicaid itself. â€Å"No two Medicaid programs have ever been the same, and it would not surprise me if we saw innovation on that front, not just in expansion but whatever their needs may be,† says Melissa Hansen, a health policy analyst at the National Conference of State Legislatures. President Obama s push to raise the government the lowest pay permitted by law to $9 every hour is going no place, yet this could expand the weight on

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Felkris Alumni Tracer free essay sample

Situation Analysis Every year students were graduating in Felkris Academy. As they graduate, they leave their school; others might have no longer updates regarding their school for they are now in abroad for their work. As students, they still want to keep in touch with their alma mater. It is really difficult for the school to search for their graduates for they are scattered to the different parts of the world. That is why we have what we call alumni association.Alumni Association was founded to promote fellowship among graduates, former students, faculty and staff members of Felkris Academy for its development and well being as an educational institution. It is founded to provide support service to the school, and one thing more is that the alumni will be a great source for fund raising of the school for the benefit of the students in the form of scholarship funds. So tracking of the graduates is important. We will write a custom essay sample on Felkris Alumni Tracer or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tracking can provide concrete evidence that will enable the boards and the wider public to evaluate a schools most important productits graduatesin important ways.For easy access to the graduates of the school, the researchers are to study a web-based tracking system for Felkris Academy. It is web-based so that it is easy for the graduates and the school to have communication with each other anytime and everywhere in the world. Every graduate can still be updated to what is happening to their school, how far did the developments have undergone after they left the school, the academic status and many more by accessing the system through the web.The reasons for maintaining contact with alumni include networking for current students to obtain internships and professional positions, meeting requirements for accrediting agencies, and determining how well the program prepared the graduates for their professional careers. In order to strengthen graduates ability to move theory into practice, graduate programs need to stay current on professional practices. To determine what current practices are and to aid in evaluation and planning, documented information should be obtained from both alumni and professional organizations.Conceptual/Theoretical Framework In this era, where advancement is become the part of the each and every field of life and time become the one of the important element of the success we want to do things or everyday jobs with more fatly as ever. Here role of information system can’t be ignored doing things faster, doing things better, and doing thinks smarter these all traits are possible just because of two words, Information system. Alumni Tracking System is one of the examples of information system.To get contact with the old students and to provide the assistance to this old student for their future progress in all field of life and maintain the record of the passing out students. Alumni Tracking System helps to do what is mention above. According to Quimbita, Grace,1989-09-00 from ERIC Clearinghouse for Junior Colleges Los Angeles CA. Student tracking systems enable increasing numbers of community colleges to respond to external demands for accountability with tangible measurements of student progress and institutional outcomes.Several recent trends have prompted interest in monitoring student progress throughout college and into their professional lives. Bers (1989) argues that increasing emphasis on marketing, accountability, communication with students, and internal competition for students all serve as catalysts for the development of tracking systems. Bers identifies six stages in the student flow process that should be monitored by a student tracking system. AwarenessIn this stage, the prospective student learns about the college for the first time.Mass mailings to homes or businesses, advertisements in the media, and public information sessions are useful in making potential students aware of the college. InquiryMechanisms for maintaining personalized contact with prospective students should go into effect as soon as the individual makes the first inquiry about the college. The individuals name, social security number, and program interests should now be on record. EntryThis stage involves formal application, admission, first-time registration and enrollment, and increasingly, assessment tests, orientations, and advisement.ExperienceMost tracking efforts currently concentrate on this stage, gathering information on students as they take courses, fulfill prerequisites, pass, fail, or withdraw from courses, take advantage of supp ort services, and work toward their goals. CompletionAt this stage, students leave the college with or without achieving their educational goals. Follow-UpBecause community college students commonly stop in and out, alumni can also be considered an important pool of prospective students.Maintaining contact with alumni after they have left the college is important in evaluating educational outcomes in terms of employment or transfer experiences, and attracting former students back to the college. Tracking systems can be developed for practically any stage in the student flow process. Cochise College in Arizona has a tracking system within its admissions office that monitors the awareness, inquiry and entry stages (Barrett, 1989).The Los Angeles Community College District in California and Arapahoe Community College in Colorado each have tracking systems which focus on basic skills assessment and monitor the entry, experience, and completion stages (Voorhees and Hart, 1989). Additionally, tracking designs are possible for unde rprepared students (Smittle, LaVallee, and Carman, 1989) and other special groups, such as displaced homemakers, single parents, learning disabled, and hearing impaired (Gay and Boukouvalas, 1989). Research Paradigm Input ProcessOutput I. ICT Resources of Felkris Academy a.The researchers intended to develop a web-based system in tracing the graduates. Particularly, this study will be significant for the graduates of Felkris Academy. It helps the graduates to be still connected with their graduate school for long term mutual benefits then to their fellow graduates as well and to remain the part of their school even after the study likewise with the teachers. Moreover, this study will help the graduates to still notify or be updated to the some important events of the school and also can participate in the seminars, academic and extra curriculum activities so that alumni knowledge remains up to date.Statement of the Problem This study aims to answer these questions: 1. What can be done to make alumni participation/involvement easier? 2. How can we keep a current database of the alumni? 3. How to maintain continuous contact with alumni? Definition of Terms Beta Testing the second phase of software testing in which a sampling of the intended audience tries the product out. Hardware is a general term for the physical artifacts of a technology. It may also mean the physical components of a computer system, in the form of computer hardware.Software refers to one or more computer programs and data held in the storage of a computer for some purpose. System Implementation The installation of a computer system or an information system. The use of software on a particular computer system. Tracking System is generally a system capable of rendering virtual space to a human observer while tracking the observers body coordinates. Web-based refers to those applications or services that are resident on a server that is accessible using a Web browser and is therefore accessible from anywhere in the world via the Web.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Symbolism from Exodus 19 Nature of God free essay sample

Explain The Symbolism About The Nature Of God From Exodus 19 Hick described the epistemic distance between God and the Jews. Moses was allowed in Gods presence; hence he is esteemed as a very special prophet who is specifically chosen by God. All Jews respect the commandments which come directly from God and members of Orthodoxy believe that they are absolutely inerrant. They would see any ostensible contradictions in the Torah as beyond human comprehension but humans are expected to have faith and accept them. The books Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Deuteronomy are, according to Orthodox Jews, the ord of God through direct divine revelation. The scholar Paul Johnson, described the prophet Moses as being a great conduit. A conduit being a means by which something is transmitted or led and Jews believe that Moses is the channel through which Gods laws come and this is a direct reference to God rescuing the Israelites from slavery in the land of Egypt. We will write a custom essay sample on Symbolism from Exodus 19: Nature of God or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In this story, Gods powerful imagery can be seen and this story is found in the Torah in Exdous 19 and Jews are reminded of this story every week on Shabbat. When the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt. This shows that the Jews have been led out of Egypt as a saved nation which has seen Gods compassion and hesed (steadfast love. ) This is an example of Gods care and love for his people and of what German theologians would refer to as Heilegeschichte meaning salvation history. The salvation history of God saving his people in the Exodus is pivotal in showing that the nature of God is an interventionist God and a God of Justice. Gods love can be seen further in psalm 136 in which the refrain his steadfast love endures forever is repeated 26 times. God is shown as a God of rescue nd redemption and here Jews learn that they should go to God in times of difficulty and ask him for help and he will rescue them because he loves them and sees them as an elect nation as shown in the doctrine of election in which God says to the Jews, l choose you. Exodus 19 describes the Jews being in a wilderness where they are displaced and they can be seen as diaspora people. Gods nature as a God of protection is shown in that Gods presence became visible by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. These natural forms of portraying God are excellent examples of theophany as God has a constant presence in the lives of His people and this theophany reveals His majesty and grace. In Exodus 19 it says, the same day came into the wilderness of Sinai. This quotation describes the location as being Sinai. However it is argued that the place in which these events took place was on Mount Horeb and the mountain on which Moses received the commandments was called Sinai. There is a scholarly dispute concerning which is the correct term to use. Exodus 19 also says that Moses went up unto God and the Lord called unto him out God is higher, a symbol of sovereignty and majesty. The text says that the Lord called unto him (Moses) which is symbolic of Moses being the one who is chosen by God to receive the Torah through direct, divine revelation and pass it onto the Jews. Here, God can be seen as a having a powerful authority and he shows his authority through Moses. Exodus 19 contains symbolism about the nature of God as an intervensionist God who loves his people and rescues his people as shown by the words Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians and how I bare you on Eagles wings and brought you to myself. Gods reference to the escape from Egypt and of His rescue and redemption f His people is yet another reference to the Heilegeschichte. The fact that God did all this for the Jews means that they should listen to him and fulfill his divine will. The image of eagles wings portrays God as a caring God and shows Gods immense care for his people and his immanence. God is shown as a particularist God who singles the Jews out a special nation in Exodus 19 when he says that the Jews will be a particular treasure for (him) and he emphasizes this further by saying that the whole Earth is mine but you (the Jews) will be unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. By saying that the entire universe elongs to Him, God is showing His own omnipotence. This inter-relates with the fact that picking out the Jews as extra special people is called the Doctrine Of Election and it is the reason why Jews believe that they are the chosen people. Holy in Hebrew is called kdsh and its literal translation is set apart or other meaning that in this covenant there is a direct command from God that Jews will have to be different in their behaviour and attributes. This is clearly demonstrated in certain Jewish rituals, such as the weekly festival of Shabbat and in observances such as the food laws, Kashrut. If asked to Justify this behaviour to non Jews they can look to this Covenant as an explanation that: God said that they had to do this. After this, in Exodus 19, God told Moses to tell the others to wash themselves, symbolic of the importance of ritual purity. All the people who were gathered suddenly wanted to wash themselves, a reference to the book of Isaiah which talks about unclean lips. The text also says do not go near a woman which has sparked controversy with modern day Jewish feminists who believe that this might suggest that the Covenant is male dominated. This has been highlighted in Judith PlastoWs ook of Standing again at Sinai. Finally, the nature of God in Exodus 19 is symbolized as thunder and lightning. God said to Moses to wait until the third day, on this day there were thunders and lightning, and a thick cloud upon the Mount. All of this is evidence of Gods theophany and his divine presence and immanence. Moses was given the mitzvoth on beautiful tablets of lapis lazuli which is a blue semi precious stone in order for the people to be given a guide by which to live. The beautiful and precious t ablets can be seen to be a symbol of Gods precious words which are direct divine and revelation

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Civil War, the ulmination of four decades of intense sectional conflict of social and political difference between the North and the South

Civil War, the ulmination of four decades of intense sectional conflict of social and political difference between the North and the South The Civil War was the culmination of four decades of intense sectional conflictof social and political difference between the North and the South. Slavery played a big part in the cause of the civil war, north not believing in slavery and the south slavery was praised. Slaves was the largest single investment in the south, the labor in the south including nearly four million enslaved blacks. 'The Civil War stands not only as a steppingstone to the lighting war - blitzkrieg- of 1939 to 1945. Politically a civil war, militarily it was actually a conflict between two hostile nations- two peoples divided by an unbeatable difference of opinion on the right of secession.'The question whether slavery should be permitted enter the territories was an big issue in American politics. The slavery issue was first arisen in 1819 when Missouri applied for admission as a state that allowed slavery, there would be a problem.kansasThe slavery issue was never resolved for years, but criticism of slaver y hung around for years. The northern began to say that slavery should be abolished or faded out during a period of time.As the issue deepened , three proposals to solve the situation were advanced. Most southern contended that slaveholders had a constitutional right to take their property into recently acquired territory. The most confirmed antislavery northern held that congress had a constitutional power and a moral duty to exclude the institution from the new territory or from any other territory. They believed that if slavery was prevented from expanding , it would die by nature.Another answer to the question on the new territory was POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY , which meant that slaveholders should be allowed to decide whether or not if they want slavery in the state. The issue of slavery should...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Society of United Irishmen

Society of United Irishmen The Society of United Irishmen was a radical nationalist group founded by Theobald Wolfe Tone in October 1791 in Belfast, Ireland. The groups original purpose was to achieve profound political reform in Ireland, which was under the domination of Britain. Tones position was that various religious factions of Irish society had to unite, and political rights for the Catholic majority would have to be secured. To that end, he sought to bring together elements of society which ranged from prosperous Protestants to impoverished Catholics. When the British sought to suppress the organization, it transformed into a secret society which essentially became an underground army. The United Irishmen hoped to gain French aid in liberating Ireland, and planned an open revolt against the British in 1798. The Rebellion of 1798 failed for a number of reasons, which included the arrest of United Irishmen leaders early in that year. With the rebellion crushed, the organization essentially dissolved. However, its actions and the writings of its leaders, particularly Tone, would inspire future generations of Irish nationalists. Origins of the United Irishmen The organization which would play such a large part in Ireland of the 1790s began modestly as the brainchild of Tone, a Dublin lawyer and political thinker. He had written pamphlets espousing his ideas for securing the rights of Irelands oppressed Catholics. Tone had been inspired by the American Revolution as well as the French Revolution. And he believed reform based on political and religious liberty would bring about reform in Ireland, which was suffering under a corrupt Protestant ruling class and a British government which supported the oppression of the Irish people. A series of law had long restricted the Catholic majority of Ireland. And Tone, though a Protestant himself, was sympathetic to the cause of Catholic emancipation. In August 1791 Tone published an influential pamphlet setting forth his ideas. And in October 1791 Tone, in Belfast, organized a meeting and the Society of United Irishmen was founded. A Dublin branch was organized a month later. Evolution of the United Irishmen Though the organization seemed to be little more than a debating society, the ideas coming out of its meetings and pamphlets began to seem quite dangerous to the British government. As the organization spread into the countryside, and both Protestants and Catholics joined, the United Men, as they were often known, appeared to be a serious threat. In 1794 the British authorities declared the organization illegal. Some members were charged with treason, and Tone fled to America, settling for a time in Philadelphia. He soon sailed to France, and from there the United Irishmen began seeking French help for an invasion which would liberate Ireland. The Rebellion of 1798 After an attempt to invade Ireland by the French failed in December 1796, due to bad sailing weather, a plan was eventually made to spark a rebellion across Ireland in May 1798. By the time for the uprising came, many leaders of the United Irishmen, including Lord Edward Fitzgerald, had been arrested. The rebellion was launched in late May 1798 and failed within weeks from lack of leadership, lack of proper weapons, and a general inability to coordinate attacks on the British. The rebel fighters were mostly routed or slaughtered. The French made several attempts to invade Ireland later in 1798, all of which failed. During one such action Tone was captured while aboard a French warship. He was tried for treason by the British, and took his own life while awaiting execution. Peace was eventually restored throughout Ireland. And the Society of United Irishmen, essentially ceased to exist. However, the legacy of the group would prove strong, and later generations of Irish nationalists would take inspiration from its ideas and actions.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ethical aspects of science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Ethical aspects of science - Essay Example In an academic context, ethics needs to be considered as ‘an area of study that deals with ideas about what is good and bad behaviour’. Ethics in the academic context is commonly considered to be a branch of philosophy that deals with what is right and what is wrong from a moral point of view.   In general, ethics needs to be considered as all the moral principles that may influence our decisions and correct our behaviour. It needs to be pointed out that these principles can include working, eating, communicating with other people, studying, and so forth.   These principles are meant to keep our own lives and lives of people around in the right order. That is why, since the ancient times people had been expected to follow the rules of ethics and to encourage others to do the same. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that modern world is a complicated place where everything changes fast.   Consequently, the need to adopt ethical theories to the new conditions o f life arises.   Technologies and science develop new ideas faster than ever, and one of the major concerns of science in a context of ethics is a field of biomedical research.   Dramatically fast development of biomedical technologies that happened during the last twenty years produced a huge amount of ethical issues. It is necessary to mention that there is a list of reasons explaining why adherence to ethical norms is so important in a field of research.  Firstly, the aims of any research are knowledge, avoidance of errors.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Menu Planning and Product Development Assignment

Menu Planning and Product Development - Assignment Example A recipe can be stated as a tested and standardized procedure in order to produce food and it contains the mixing order, ingredients, temperature, proportions and time all of which is required so as to develop tasty food. There are majorly seven most important components that are included in the process of development of recipe such as dish name, time that would be required so as to prepare the dish, ingredients required along with its proportion, environment as wells equipments that would be needed so as to prepare the dish, preparation steps, and total number of servings that can be made through preparing the recipe. The major principles that guide the process of recipe development comprise of objectives as well as priorities development, task inclusion, action steps in clear sequence, physical environmental elements analysis, allocation of time and reorganization of task, motivation, and accomplishment, communication, evaluation and future reference. These are some of the principl es that guide the operations related to the development of recipes in the hospitality industry. A recipe that is well developed following the principles should be able to meet the various needs such as an increase in terms of product usage, an increase of product visibility and reduction in the safety issues related to the product (Fuller, 2011). The major principle that guides the development of recipe to be successful are it should be reproducible which states it should be written in a format that could be ‘repeated’ along with constant results, ‘easily prepared’ that is comprising of minimal steps in a logical order so as to deliver the end results without much of complexity, ‘concise’ so as to provide the required information, ‘interesting’ in terms of adding varieties to the dish being prepared, ‘pleasing to senses’ such that it possess satisfying as well as stimulating flavour along with pleasant  aroma, Ã¢â‚¬Ë œeconomical’ so that the recipe should not only be within the budget but also encompass the economy of material as well as human resources.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Adversity & 2007 albums Essay Example for Free

Adversity 2007 albums Essay Does adversity truly define somebody’s character? Adversity, as defined by Webster’s dictionary, is a state, condition, or instance of serious or continued difficulty or adverse fortune. Horace’s opinion on adversity is that without adversity in one’s life, their true character would not have an opportunity to develop. Horace derived his opinion about adversity from having to overcome an obstacle of his own. Having lost the battle with the Roman Army, his prestigious life as a general and his â€Å"prosperous circumstances†, he faced with the true challenge to overcome this defeat. His true character was tested and created an opportunity to do what was needed to survive. I agree that through adversity, one’s true character shines above the mask that is shown during ones â€Å"prosperous circumstances†. At the mere age of 16, I have overcome many situations in my life that showed me the truth to my character. The passing of my father is one example. At the time, my main concern was that the life me and my family lived would never be the same. Having lost not just a father-figure, a role model, and one of my closest friends at that age, my family lost the head of our household. I faced the challenge of caring for all the people around me who shared the same aching feeling of the loss I did, while at the same time trying to fill the void in my heart that was buried with him. Confronting the loss of so much in your life is not easy. I remember one of the largest moments during this time that made me come to terms with his loss. The first few football practices of my 6th grade year were the hardest. The occasional glance to my mom watching us practice turned my enthusiastic and serious attitude toward practice into a grieving stare as I see my father missing from the picture. I would never be able to keep playing like this. But I dug deep, and stayed dedicated to the sport that he supported me at, and with time and devotion I was able to understand that even though my father is not there physically, he will always be right there next to me on the field, cheering me on like he did in the past. Even though the physical aspect of my father is gone, I will always know that he is there with me, enjoying the best seat in the stadium. Another situation in my life that I have had to overcome adversity is the  injury in my left knee that I face today. The day I heard that I would not be able to play football my junior year, I did everything I could to distance myself from the game and my teammates. We all have those genuine fears of incidents that lead to where we cannot do hobbies or interests of ours. Imagine a graphic artist losing his hand along with his ability to draw, or a ballet dancer unable to perform in a recital because of a damaged knee. Every day is a battle. The physical strength it takes to go through a day of physical therapy, the mental strength I use to push myself to be on the field again, and the spiritual strength it takes to remind myself that I am still part of this team. Like that Gatorade commercial, â€Å"One More† mean to me that I am one more day closer to reaching my goal of playing alongside my friends, one more set of exercises to strengthen my knee, and one more opportunity to play the game that I love. I know ask myself, without adversity in my life, how would I know what type of person I am and what I value most? I wouldn’t. Had Horace not faced adversity, would his writing still be the same or at that even exist? Horace wouldn’t have needed to turn to poetry in order to save his life, but instead gone with his life as nothing but a mediocre general in the Greek Army, Instead of being the inspiring poet we know to this day.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Fingerprinting Kids :: essays research papers

Should parents voluntarily create detailed identification records(including fingerprints) on their children in anticipation of possiblerunaway problems or abductions? (1) Yes. You can never tell when terriblethings will happen to a child, so its best to be prepared. (2) No. Thevast majority of missing children are not abducted. Whether abducted ornot, fingerprinting will do no good. It wastes time and money and pushesus that much closer to the creation of the Orwellian National Data Centerthat Congress rejected fifteen years ago. BACKGROUND: As of early 1983, 11 states had launched programs tofingerprint children.( These were New York, Virginia, Florida, Georgia, NewJersey, California, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Nebraska, Connecticut,Rhode Island, Kansas, Illinois, and Indiana.) Most of this activity wasstimulated by the passage of the Missing Children Act in October 1982.What the new law did was to legitimize the use of the FBI's nationalcomputer network,the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) fornon-criminal purposes. All of the programs are voluntary. In some cases the policedepartments retain the records, while in others the fingerprint cards areturned over to the parents for safekeeping. The apparent purpose of theprogram is to help provide positive identification to link either children picked up, or bodies recovered, with missing person notices. Every year about 1 million children are reported missing. Of thesemost, about 800,000, are away from home for less than two weeks. About150,000 of the total missing are abducted; of these two thirds are abductedby a divorced parent. Some of the reasons behind the missing children are not pretty.According to an article in Parade, "about 35 percent of runaways leave homebecause of incest, 53 percent because of physical neglect. The rest are"throwaways," children kicked out or simply abandoned by parents who moveaway. Every state has laws against incest, child abuse, abandonment, childpornography and the procuring of children, but they are rarely enforced." POINT: Conscientious parents should have their childrens' fingerprintsrecorded to help in the event of an abduction; they shouldn't wait until aftersomething terrible happens, but should take reasonable steps now. Thousands of children are runaways, and in many cases it is all butimpossible to determine clearly who they really are. People change, butfingerprints don't. Well-intentioned but misguided civil libertarians worryabout Big Brother. But they tend to overlook the obvious benefits of theprogram and concentrate on wildly imaginative fantasies about Big Brother.If they would come down to earth once in a while, and visit with and sharethe anguish of a family of an abducted child, they would quickly changetheir attitudes. Besides, in most cases the police do not keep the records,the parents do. COUNTERPOINT: Absent some showing that the fingerprinting will actuallyhelp keep children safe and help capture criminals who harm or abduct them,parents should refuse to have their children fingerprinted. In promotingthe child fingerprinting program, police officials tend to be vague abouthow the program will

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Crucible Projects Essay

Select one of the following to complete independently or with a partner: People Magazine’s Love Triangle of  the Year Produce a magazine article in which you try to piece together the story of this love triangle from the various characters’ points of view. Your article should include comments by John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, and Abigail Williams. The main goal here is to understand the effect their actions had on each of the others. Be sure to bring out the major events of the story in some way. Your finished product should look like a magazine article and include various pictures or whatever your creative minds can come up with! Look at some People Magazine articles for ideas. The Crucible: An Alphabet Book For your final project, you will create an alphabet book using one letter of the alphabet per page. It may be rhyming or nonrhyming. Give your book a cover and illustrate it. As this will be your final grade, I am particularly interested in seeing that you have an understanding of the major events and themes of the novel as well as relationships between the characters. (EXAMPLE: A is for adultery. M is for McCarthyism.) The Crucible Greeting Cards Design five greeting cards that you think John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Reverend Parris, and Abigail Williams would have sent to each other for a holiday. You choose the holiday/occasion and design the five cards, one from each of these characters. Include a picture and a quote or poem that they would have written in each card. They can be funny or serious. Be creative and make the cards look nice! I am particularly interested in seeing that you have an understanding of the major ideas and the relationships between the characters. Include an explanation with each card. The Crucible Soundtrack Create a soundtrack for the novel, choosing or composing five songs (ONE can be an instrumental). The songs must represent the main themes, moods, relationships, or events in the story in some way. Create a CD insert with appropriate artwork, artist information, dedications, and a booklet that includes lyrics and a paragraph for each song explaining how and why each relates to the book. You may burn the songs onto a CD if you’d like, but it is not required. The Crucible Diary Create a journal/diary for one of the three main characters. In that character’s voice (first person),you will create at least 10 one page, typed and dated entries based on what’s happening at the time. This will allow you to comment on the major events of the plot. You MUST comment on the following: The first appearance of the character in the story Any meeting that your character has with another of the characters Any important event that occurs in the story Any physical/psychological changes in the character Where the character leaves the story The story covers years in the character’s life so you will observe changes in the character’s acceptance in the community, the physical and/or mental condition of your character, and his/her relationship with the other characters. The main characters who will appear in your journal will be John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Abigail Williams, Reverend Hale, and/or Reverend Parris. You may choose any of these as your â€Å"journal writer†, but all of them will appear in your journal. The Crucible Times Develop a front page from a Salem newspaper during the time/setting of this story. Your front page will be full of the story of Abigail and Company, the scandal, and/or the aftermath. The goal is to show me that you have an understanding of the plot and characters in the play. Your front page should include several of the following: 1. A banner headline 2. At least one picture with a caption 3. The lead story (at least 300 words) 4. Related side bar stories 5. Horoscope 6. Title of newspaper 7. At least one advertisement that is play related 8. Advice column 9. Gossip column 10. Classifieds

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Act of Union Essay

Assess the causes of the Act of Union of 1800, and consider the ways in which the Articles of Union themselves were intended to solve the apparent problems in Ireland’s constitutional, political and religious relationship with England. Your essay must make reference to the relevant document studied in seminar 5. There were several significant causes of the Act of Union between Great Britain and Ireland in 1800, most notably, the United Irishmen rebellion of 1798, along with the French landing at Killala in North Mayo. The United Irishmen, a radical mixed religious group, had began a campaign against British rule in Ireland in 1798. This rebellion was centered around Wexford, Wicklow and a protestant linen worker rebellion in Antrim. The rebellion was poorly organized and coordinated, and many parts of the country were left undisturbed. Although it was yet another rebellion by the Irish that was defeated, it fast forwarded the long standing idea that a political, constitutional and military union was needed between the two countries to prevent further war, or even worse, for Ireland to become a stepping stone in a French invasion of The British Isles. The worry about a French invasion starting in Ireland was compounded by a small French landing in north Mayo, that led to two battles, at Castlebar and Ballinamuck. The French landing was requested by Wolfe Tone, a protestant who was viewed as the leader of the United Irishmen. Wolfe Tone was influenced by the French and American Revolutions, and passed this influence onto the United Irishmen. The fact that the American Revolution had occurred so recently also had another major bearing on the Act of Union. the British parliament did not want to lose another colony, especially not one this close to home. This most likely would have being seen as a major weakness by the other European powers of the time. The French revolution, which promised freedom to all religions and races, and equal rights to all men would also have being seen as a threat to George III, the current monarch, who’s Coronation Oath held him to uphold and secure the Protestant faith. Article Fifth of the Act of Union combined the Church of Ireland and the Church of England into one central Protestant Episcopal Church. It also made the protestant faith the official religion of Ireland. The unity of the churches would also have bred the hope that more of the Catholic majority in Ireland would be converted. This would have being a vital cause for the union getting voted through the all protestant Irish parliament, as the protestants were outnumbered by Catholics in the general population at a ratio of 3:11. Should the Act of Union pass, they would be on the opposite side, it would be a 3:11 protestant majority. On a related topic, Robert Peel had earlier being responsible for the ending of several of the penal laws, all since the threat of war began in France. In 1793 Catholics could vote and become lawyers for the first time. He also played a part in the repeal of Poynings Law, which allowed the Irish parliament to enact its own laws without influence from London for the first time since the Norman Invasion. However, vitally, he could not hold his nerve to repeal the Penal law that stopped Catholics from holding a place in parliament and many Irish people would have thought this was the most important, as they could only vote for the entirely protestant government. Pitt had supported the Act Of Union in 1800, but had originally planned to follow it with more far reaching ideas, such as Catholic emancipation. However George III, after signing the Act of Union into law in August 1800, refused to support full Catholic emancipation on the basis that it would be contrary to his Coronation Oath. While the Act of Union was defeated the first time in the Irish parliament, it was passed on the second time of asking. Certain peerages, pensions and certain honors were offered to Irish politicians and Irish critics in return for voting for the act in the second time of asking. The first attempt to pass the law was beaten 109 votes against to 104 votes for, but, on the second time of asking in 1800, the results showed 150 for, compared to 115 against. Also, since the repeal of Poynings law, the Irish had being in charge of their own finances, and had bankrupt the country. When much the same thing had happened to Scotland in the 17th century, a Union with Britain had helped the Scottish overcome their financial difficulties. The Act of Union was intended to solve many of Irelands problems in different ways. Article first stated that Ireland and Britain would ‘be united into one Kingdom, by the Name of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland’. This essentially made Ireland a sister kingdom to Britain, with the same laws, religion and parliament. However as time showed, these sister kingdoms were not treated equally, with very little worry being given to the Great Famine of 1845-49. Although it may initially have being seen to calm some insurgency in Ireland, it was not a suitable long-term arrangement unless great measures were taken to assimilate the large Catholic majority. These measures were not taken, and Catholic Ireland still felt like it was being given the short straw without emancipation. Article Second simply stated that the continuation of the Imperial Crown ‘shall continue limited and settled in the same manner as the Succession to the Imperial Crown of the said Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland’. This was to ensure that a protestant was always going to be in power as a monarch in Great Britain, and that the new Union with Ireland would not have an influence on the process of picking a new king or queen. The third article was perhaps the most important in terms of change, as it was the article that fully combined the two parliaments into a single entity. This was the most influential article, as it caused many of the upper class representatives that Ireland would have to move out of Dublin and over to London, to be closer to political affairs. This caused a decline in the importance of Dublin as a major European city, and shifted most of the influential Irish people out of the country. It may also have lead to the idea of Absentee landlords, another thing that was seen by the Irish as a cause of the Great Famine. Article Fourth was simply involved in the representation of Ireland in the new parliament. The election of 28 Electoral Lords for life would have guaranteed a continuation of protestant ascendancy in the British House of Lords. This would not have went well with the catholic majority of Ireland as they would have zero representation in the House of Lords, which had the ability to veto any laws passed by the House of Commons. Any chance of a law hat passed a pro-Catholic law would have being immediately put down by the protestant powers in the House of Lords, so even if George III did not veto the hopes for Catholic emancipation then the House of Lords would surely have. The 8th article was a constitutional article that ensured the continuation of all laws from before the act, in both Britain and Ireland. It stated ‘That all Laws in force at the time of the Union, and all the Courts of Civil and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction within the respective Kingdoms, shall remain as now by Law established within the same’ This was a safety mechanism to prevent any problems with the transition between separate and united kingdom’s. If this article had not being put in place then, theoretically the parliament in London would have had to enact new laws that could potentially damage the political and hostile situation in Ireland. As you can see, the Act of Union was hoped to be a permanent solution to the problems in Ireland, and planned to consolidate the British Isles under one rulership. The Articles in the Act of Union attempted to promote the protestant faith, in particular the Anglican faith, in Ireland, and in the long term hoped to transform the rebellious Catholic majority into equal citizens of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. Although it was unsuccessful in the long run, it was a historic event that worked in other parts of the empire, such as Scotland.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Is it Right to Categorize The Past as Valid (but, as a whole essays

Is it Right to Categorize The Past as Valid (but, as a whole essays This is an extremely controversial question, however, I believe that it is correct to say that the past is valid. In contrast it is probably unknowable because we are forced to believe the documentation, which people have recorded in the past if we want to learn about history. This documentation may not be completely correct in any case, it may be biased, or it may be impartial. Pictures may be taken out of context and people may be misquoted. I believe what I generally hear about the past, but only if I think it is an objective view, from a textbook. I would debate something that Hitler said about foreign affairs because I would think he is being biased, but only because I am able to see with hindsight that he has lied about things in the past. I would categorize history as invalid because the evidence we are proposed with may not always be correct or applicable. In respect to this, history is a form of knowledge because we are constantly learning about it and any information we acc umulate in our minds becomes knowledge. Historical knowledge and historical truth are two completely different things. I do not generally believe in historical truth, however, there are two truths. For example, it is historical truth that world war two existed; however, it may not be historical truth why. Documents and evidence may be incorrect and so you cannot know what the truth is. However, historical knowledge is not like historical truth at all, it is knowledge you have accumulated about the past. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

5 Functions of Quotation Marks

5 Functions of Quotation Marks 5 Functions of Quotation Marks 5 Functions of Quotation Marks By Mark Nichol This post discusses the use of quotation marks to distinguish dialogue, parts of compositions, phrases as phrases, scare quotes, and epithets. 1. For Dialogue Quotation marks are placed around speech in fiction (to distinguish it from attribution and narrative) and nonfiction (for the same reasons, in addition to emphasizing that it is recorded verbatim and not a paraphrase of the actual wording). Quotation marks are also appropriate for conjectural speech (for example, â€Å"What if he says, ‘We’re using John’s plan instead’?) or for representing the idea of speech (â€Å"People often say ‘myself’ when they should say ‘me’). Note: In examples in this and other posts, quoted material is often enclosed in single rather than double quotation marks because I use double quotation marks to frame the examples. In American English, other than in special cases such as setting off terms in botany, linguistics, and philosophy, this is the only general purpose for single quotation marks. 2. For Parts of Compositions Note: The following rules pertain to when titles of parts of compositions are referenced in a written narrative, not to their use as headings in the source material itself. Quotation marks identify article titles in publications and chapter titles in books to distinguish the parts of the whole from the whole itself. (Italicize the publication titles themselves; one exception is unpublished manuscripts, the titles of which are also enclosed in quotation marks.) Similarly, episodes of television programs, as well as those of other audiovisual (or audio-only) presentations such as podcasts, should be enclosed in quotation marks, while program titles are italicized. Song titles, too, are placed in quotation marks to distinguish them from album titles. Quotation marks also identify poems, essays, and short stories to distinguish their titles from those of the anthologies of which they may be (or might originally have been) a part. In online contexts, titles of blog entries, and those of sections of websites, are enclosed in quotation marks. Titles of speeches, as well as those of talks and panels that are part of conferences and other formal meeting events, are also so emphasized. 3. For a Phrase as a Phrase Although self-referential words are italicized (as in â€Å"Moon and month are related†), phrases as phrases are enclosed in quotation marks (as in â€Å"‘Reared its ugly head’ is a clichà ©.) 4. For Scare Quotes Words and phrases are sometimes enclosed in quotation marks to signal that they are being used in a special sense, though this usage is best reserved for ironic emphasis or to clarify that the writer is using but not endorsing the term. Employing such emphasis for slang is not advised. 5. For Epithets When nicknames are used in isolation, do not enclose them in quotation marks (â€Å"The film was released four months after the death of the King of Pop†). But do so when they appear within or after the person’s actual name: â€Å"John ‘Duke’ Wayne,† â€Å"Erwin Rommel, ‘the Desert Fox.’† (But compare the latter with â€Å"Alexander the Great lived to be only thirty-three,† in which â€Å"Alexander the Great† is so styled because the epithet is integrated with the name, not set off by punctuation.) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†Between vs. In BetweenWood vs. Wooden

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Managerial Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Managerial Economics - Essay Example My interaction with an Asian friend working for Euromonitor acquainted me with their specific compensation package. Employing individuals outside the jurisdiction of the government of their head office requires important and special considerations. First, it means that they cannot pay employment taxes as this needs a tedious and complicated the process of dealing with each country’s tax collecting institutions. Secondly, this leads to a contractual/self-employed status of the country analyst since the business organization will not also be able to offer non-monetary benefits like health and insurance. It should be noted that employment of more than six months in a firm requires the company to provide health and social security benefits for their employees. Thus, the contract of a country analyst is renewed often in order to comply with this requirement. In order to compensate with the lapses, Euromonitor pays its country analyst above the market direct pay. My friend informed me that she is actually paid a weekly income which is equivalent to a month’s entry level minimum wage in her country. Thus, in her position, she is getting four times the minimum wage which is 50% more than what is offered by local firm in the same position. However, Euromonitor pays on a project basis. A project is scheduled in four weeks or more. A country analyst is paid 45 days after he submit the project. Unfortunately, extensions are not paid. When a project is scheduled for six weeks and the analyst completed it in nine weeks, the extra three weeks is unpaid. Furthermore, the salary is adjusted according to the performance of the analyst. Aside from this monetary side, working at home as a country analyst for Euromonitor provides non-financial rewards. These include: work-life balance by allowing the employee to work at the comfort of his own home with his family; casual dress because the employee

Friday, November 1, 2019

Crime Rates Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Crime Rates - Assignment Example What are the forces behind these declines? How do the rates of crime in the U.S. compare with other countries? This paper will address these questions through analysis of crime data from the U.S. Census Bureau and the FBI. The aim will be to paint a picture of the relationship between geographical characteristics and crimes trends. In addition, the paper will outline the structure of the PowerPoint presentation for this topic and explain the rationale behind the outlined structure. According to various agencies including the FBI and the U.S. Census Bureau, the rates of crime in the U.S. for the past decade have sharply declined. This presentation will focus on explicating on the proclaimed decrease in crime rates, analyzing crime data from the FBI and the U.S. Census Bureau to ascertain reasons behind this decline, and analyzing the crime trends in relation to demographics. The presentation will first focus on the crime rates data between 1990 and 2010 in some of the largest metropol is based on the reports by the FBI and the U.S. Census Bureau.It will analyze the changes in the rates of rime of this period. During this period, propertyand violent crime significantly declined by about 46 percent and 30 percent respectively. Demographically, the rate of crime in suburbs was lower than in the cities. In almost all large metropolis, crime rates difference between the suburbs and the cities declined by close to two thirds from 1990 to 2010 (FBI, 2010). In most of the cases, the crime rate either fell or rose at once. Suburban communities with a high-density population of older people had the greatest drop in crime rates. Both high-density suburbs and cities registered a drop in violent crime rates. The presentation will then focus on the reasons for the decline in crime rates and impacts of this decline. The decline in crime rates saw diversification of communities, which led to the weakening of the relationship between community demographics and crime. Over this pe riod, the relationship between crime and the characteristics of the community such as the proportion of the population that is poor, Hispanic, foreign-born or black, considerably diminished. For instance, property crime in black communities reduced by half, and violent crime in Hispanic communities disappeared. In comparison with the past, metropolitan areas are safer today. These trends of crime rate decreasehavelargely benefitted more urbanized, more minority, poor and older communities. This is the reason behind the decline inthe difference and contrast between the suburbs and the cities. Understanding this relationship underscores the notion that crime is not only an urban problem, but a metropolitan too. Structure of the PowerPoint Presentation The PowerPoint presentation to that will be used in this topic will be constructed in such a way that allows the audience to understand how crime rates have changed over the years, how and what forces are behind the changes in crime rate , and what difference is there between the U.S. and other countries in terms of crime rate. Introduction Slides The introduction part wil purpose to give a summary background account of the crime rates in the U.S between 1990 and 2010. This will be done by analyzing the FBI and the U.S. Census Bureau crime data. Body Slide The body slides will analyze and outline the decline in crime rates in the U.S. in last two decades as depicticted by the crime data fro the U.S. Census B

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Christian Scriptures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Christian Scriptures - Essay Example Watt points out that the gospels cannot be literally true and also completely accurate. On the other hand the perspective of E P Sanders was markedly different from that of Watt. As such Sanders takes a less critical stance with regard to Jesus Christ and his attitude towards scripture. Instead of representing Jesus Christ as a fundamentalist Sanders presents Jesus as an accomplished religious leader promising to guide people towards their own salvation. From Sanders' perspective Jesus Christ is argued to have been a highly important religious prophet who had performed miracles as well as claiming to be the Jewish Messiah. Sanders also believed that it always important to place the entire gospel accounts and stories concerning Jesus Christ into the most appropriate context. Basically the gospel writers as well as Jesus himself wanted certain messages passed on to their intended audiences. The opinions of Meier are certainly closer to those of Sanders than those of Watt. This is due to Meier also taking a much less critical stance concerning the mission, teachings, and the beliefs of Jesus Christ, as supposedly predicted within the Old Testament, and recorded in the gospels. Personally it would be best to assume that the gospel writers just like Jesus Christ had messages to get across to people. The gospels were written due to the fact that the people who had personally known Jesus Christ were dying out and the New Testament was needed to spread the teachings of the Early Church. The gospel writers wanted to persuade as many people as possible that Jesus Christ had been the Son of God and therefore needed to provide enough evidence of his status as the Messiah does. What do you think each of these three would write for example about the story of the transfiguration of Jesus (Mark, 9 2- 8) Watt would more than likely write that the story of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ was not literally true, and than the gospels should not therefore be automatically taken at face value. He would probably also contend that the message, which the story of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ was intended to convey was more important than whether or not it was actually or indeed literally a true life event. Watt would argue that the purpose of the story of the transfiguration of Jesus was to demonstrate that Jesus Christ was not only the Messiah he was also he resurrected Son of God. It is a fundamental part of mainstream Christian doctrine yet Watt might easily contend that the transfiguration of Jesus Christ did not actually take place. Sanders would probably have written that the story of the transfiguration of Jesus Christ was based upon the events that the disciples had believed to happen. Only Jesus and his most trusted disciples had gone up the hillside, with only the disciples coming back down. Sanders would probably mention that Jesus had grouped these disciples together in order to prove that he had indeed risen from the dead. There were therefore only a small number of witnesses that could describe how Jesus had descended up to heaven. All these witnesses also played significant roles in the development and the territorial expansion of the Christian religion. The eye - witness accounts strongly

Monday, October 28, 2019

Famous Creative Thinkers Essay Example for Free

Famous Creative Thinkers Essay In this assignment there are several great creative thinkers to choose from for completion. After reading through the list James Hal Cone and Grace Hopper became the choices. The reasoning was these individuals were so different in their paths of success, or for better word accomplishments. Both are extraordinary people; however their journeys are profoundly different, however both are instrumental in worthy contributions in society and the world. Throughout this paper we will uncover and discover Cone and Hopper purpose, passion, and for one even pain. James Hal Cone was born August 5, 1938 in Fordyce Arkansas, to Charles and Lucy Cone. Early in Cone childhood he was introduced to religion and had a strong spiritual guidance. James was an intelligent child who went on to graduate from high school at age 16, at which time he became a minister. Cone beginnings started with being brought up in a segregated part of Arkansas, where people of color were discriminated against and treated unfairly. James early in life reflected upon the social injustices of the poor, blacks, and women. Cone took the treatment to heart early along with his religious background and became a minister at 16, starting to address the differences of treatment. During his early life at college he was a minister at several churches. However during his early period of college and ministry the civil rights movement started evolving and he noticed Martin Luther King. Through that introduction of Dr. King he realized his true direction was ministry and attended Theological Seminary getting a M.A. and Ph.D. James acquired four degrees in a seven year span, a man on a mission with an extraordinary mind. Two things directed Hal’s path pain of discrimination and coming to know Jesus. After graduation with his Ph.D. in theology, Hal went on to be a professor of religious studies, still believing in nonviolence. During this period changes came with Malcolm X, northern riots, and Stokely Carmichael’s   call to â€Å"Black Power† (This Far by Faith, 2015). The direction of society from two important men King and X, initiated Hal’s influence of empowering African Americans Christianity from slavery, segregation and justice in society. Hal knew through theology he could address the issue and started writing introducing black liberation theology. What Hal orchestrated was self-worth with assimilation of the black power movement, addressing social and racial justice for black people, freeing them from oppression economically and spiritually. Ideally Hal wanted to empower people through Christianity beliefs; however he addressed the separate treatment of the poor, oppressed and blacks in the Christian community. Hal eventually wrote many books that were supported and criticized because of his criticism of white theologians not addressing the struggle and differential treatment of the African American people as far back as slavery. Hal also went to speak in China and Latin America concerning the lack of address of people of color being oppressed, poor and oppression as Christians. He took a stand against segregation and mistreatment of all people on a theologian podium. James Hal took theology using it as a tool towards the individuality that contributed to the history, existence, and civilization of black people. Hal thinking really was devised from his thought of how can people be Christians, but be ok with the injustices of segregation. With Hal coming of age during the civil rights movement had a major effect on his social consciousness. This was a period (civil rights movement) where it was obvious that black people were being mistreated, even among white Christians. Hal took the stand against the treatment even though it was not a popular decision. For James it became unacceptable for Christians to treat people differently than what the bible taught, â€Å"Love your neighbor as you love yourself†. Even though it appeared Hal writings and views were racially motivated, by earlier content, Hal knew his sentiments was to empower Christian people to realize that in spite of their skin color they were of value and deserve to be treated accordingly. Through it all the process that Hal used to devise his plan of action came from evaluating and analyzing the information obtained from his personal experience, observation and communication. Armed with those factors of critical thinking he creatively started changing how people of color, women, oppressed, and poor people thought about themselves spiritually. Hal later realized that terms used to address white Christians was impropriate  and that he could have addressed the issue differently, still standing on his beliefs, that there should be no racism or segregation in the church. James Hal Cone the pioneer for making people aware of the segregation that should never be acceptable in the theologian Christian community, God created all people equal and God is in respect of no man. Grace Hopper computer scientist and that is speaking lightly of her accomplishments and creativity. Grace Hopper was born December 6, 1906, as Grace Brewster Murray in New York. Born during a period that girl were not normally educated, Grace parents believed just the opposite. Grace was not a traditional girl, on one account she was fascinated with the working of a clock, at seven she dismantled the clock. Her actions were based on how does the alarm clock work? As the story goes she dismantles all the clocks in her home, first sign of her tenacity, innovation and perseverance (Hopper Biography- Mac Tutor of Mathematics, 2015). Grace attended private school and went to earn a college degree in mathematics from Vassar College. From 1928 to 1931 she achieved marriage, along with a M.A. degree from Yale University. Three years later Grace was an associate professor with a Ph. D., however with all her accomplishments her real passion was to join the military. Opportunity presented itself when the United States entered the Second World War, unbeknownst to Grace she was too old and to slight in weight. However not one to take no for an answer she persuaded the Navy to enlist her at the old age of 37, unheard of especially for a woman. Mission accomplished she’s a Navy woman with her first orders to start working on the Harvard Mark I computer, she was elated. The computer took her back to childhood, now she really could dismantle the computer and make adjustments, becoming the first woman to program the Mark I. She is in her element and making strives, moving forward. Grace went on to play a significant role in the creation of the Mark II and III computer program. After retiring from the Navy she developed with a team the UNIVAC computer, along with an upgrade compiler. While still being employed at a computer corporation, Grace and team developed the first English language data processing computer (Hopper Biography –Mac Tutor Mathematics, 2015). Grace was the pioneer behind the first English language computer being in existence. Before the team and Grace developed the language computer, computers were  only mathematically designed. There was only word numbers, no words had come into computer existence. Now computers with business language existed, which people in the computer world thought was not possible. The COBOL (common business – oriented language computer came into existence in 1959 changing the world. Grace had creative ideas before the time frame of computers starting with an alarm clock. With her ability for mathematics, brilliant mind, and education she was able to accomplish the beginning of the computer language, which have gone on to universal success. Grace had no restraints, what she set out to do she did. In spite of the times she had courage, direction, daring, and most important she did not have an established pattern for her creativity thinking. At all levels she challenged herself with a range of ideas; from discovery, defining, designing, and developing the computer with the English language. She was the lady behind the computer bug (Berni Dwan, Irish Times, 2001). Her biggest obstacle was being a female in an area of men and times when women were not so easily accepted in the corporate world, especially the unknown like computers. References Blake, John. â€Å"America’s ‘Angriest’ Theologian Faces Lynching Tree.† CNN Belief Blog. (accessed April 23, 2012). â€Å"James H. Cone.† Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York. (accessed June 15, 2011). BLACK THEOLOGY AND IDEOLOGY: DEIDEOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS IN THE THEOLOGY OF JAMES H. CONE (Book). By: Hayes, Diana L., Theological Studies, 00405639, Dec2003, Vol. 64, Issue 4 Grace Hopper. (2015). The website. Retrieved 01:15, Mar 23, 2015, from Programmings amazing grace she developed the first program to translate computer instructions from english into machine language and gave the world the computer `bug. berni dwan looks back at the life and work of grace hopper. (2001, May 21). Irish Times Retrieved from Famous Creative Thinkers

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Creating a Market for Electric Cars Essay example -- Electric Cars Ess

When Ford Motor Company was founded in 1903, it would go on to start a revolution for the American auto industry. Ford pioneered the assembly line and increased auto production substantially. Today, Ford is one of the most successful auto makers in the world. According to the company, a key factor of success is the focus on building relationships and placing the consumer first. Understanding the consumer and how they view business helps Ford to continue improvement ("Marketing strategy", 2010). Ford is a first-rate example of good marketing techniques. They know how to sell a vehicle to a consumer, as displayed by their position in the top eight of U. S. auto makers. New technology paves the way for new ideas, and new ideas do best when they use existing models. That is why the relatively new concept of battery operated cars should look to already successful auto makers for example. Battery powered cars are becoming more and more marketable with more research and a developing consumer base. Although there is plenty of development to ensue, this paper can help marketing managers figure out the best way to utilize the power of new technology and, in time, have a consumer base that desires battery powered cars for various reasons. This paper will show an array of issues that support an argument for the marketability of cars that operate on battery power. Battery powered cars are more complex than they sound. One might think that the mechanics behind battery power merely consist of charging the battery before a road trip. There is actually an entire process that transforms energy into power. Whereas a gasoline powered vehicle uses an internal combustion engine to convert gasoline into energy, battery powered vehicles generate... .../2013/01/03/why-2013-will-be-another-huge-year-for-car-sales/ Electronic Design, 59(8), 18. U.S. Census Bureau (2008). A Gas Station for Every 2,500 People - County Business Patterns - Newsroom. Retrieved from b08-96.html U.S. Department of Energy (2014a). Alternative fuels data center: Electric vehicle charging station locations. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Energy (2014b). Alternative fuels data center: Emissions from hybrid and plug-in electric vehicles. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Energy (n.d.). EnerDel/Argonne advanced high-power battery for hybrid electric vehicles. Retrieved from ://

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Indian Writing Instrument Industry Essay

Indian writing Instrument industry moving towards Global Exposure The Indian writing instruments market today is still on the path of discovering new niches with ergonomic designed products, promotional marketing items and luxury items but in the coming years it is bound to grow tremendously not only domestically but also in it’s exports immerging as world leaders in Writing Instruments. The stationery sector is a cluster of many sectors out of which the most prominent and important probably is the writing instruments Industry. The two most important tools of it are pen and paper. Other materials like pencil, rulers, writing pads, erasers etc also play an active role which are relevant items useful for commercial and office use. Even with the advancement age and rule of technology the writing instrument industry still holds a large share of the market. Over a period this industry has seen growth in the domestic market and is now is all set to become an export oriented market. For long period China has said to be ruling the export market in Writing Instruments and as per the source China alone exports around Rs. 5000 – 6000 crore worth goods. India had not entered much in the export field uptil now because it’s domestic demand was very high, at present India’s current export share is barely Rs. 200 crore but now the industry is planning to expand further in it’s supply and infrastructure thus enabling them entry into the foreign markets. Foreign buyers of writing instrument also have been looking for an option. Uptil now they were buying their goods from china. Chinese pens are good looking and cheap but they lack long shell life and can’t provide a good writing experience. India will serve to be the best possible option for them as it is the only country whose manufacturing cost is almost same as China. If the Indian industries assure product life this is where the Indian manufacturers and exporters will have an edge over china. But the major hindrance of Indian writing industry to grow still remains i. e though it is among the Asian leaders for supplying stationery it’s international competition is threat to it’s Writing Instrument Industry and may stunt the growth of the market within. Chinese revolution in stationery was indeed a threat to the other nations and India is no exception to it. China even today spoils the global buyers with innovative and inexpensive creations and is said to capture a huge part of the market. Though slowly the writing instruments industry is achieving a well-developed and mature status and quality has also started playing an important role but still it may take few years more before the end of domination of Cheap quality Chinese product’s rule in writing instrument sector. Innovation and top quality goods at competitive prices are the major and only implementations through which the Chinese dominance can be put to an end. New ideas and technological advances in the writing instruments sector should be put into practice to survive in this competitive market. Though gradually and slowly the market is recovering from buying these cheap goods and it is turning out to be a brand loyal market than the old conventional market, which use to live on substitute or counterfeit goods. Also the government’s goal of reaching towards 100% literacy is bound to increase the demand. The Indian market today is still on the path of discovering new niches with ergonomic designed products, promotional marketing items and luxury items but in the coming years it is bound to grow tremendously not only domestically but also in it’s exports immerging as world leaders in Writing Instruments.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Goals: Lawyer and Middle School Teachers Essay

What makes goals so important to people’s lives? Beginning elementary I remember teachers always asked me â€Å"what do you want to be when you grow up? † I said â€Å"I do not know. † At a very young age when you just begin school kids being three and four kids say a fairy, prince or something. Growing older getting into middle school teachers asked me again â€Å"what is it that you want to be when you grow up? † my answer kind of changed the second time around, I said â€Å"a doctor† but that was because I thought they were cool and made a lot of money; copying everyone’s idea actually. High school finally came around it was more serious, my teacher once again asked me â€Å"what are you wanting to major in? † I said â€Å"oh, I’m debating right now. † He then said â€Å"debating? Are you serious right now? What is it that you enjoy? Any hobbies, favorite subject? † I thought about it and realized were he was going with that. It came to me; I want to be a lawyer, I love history, government, arguments, anything that has to do with law; being a lawyer. Mr. Wright said â€Å"now that you know what you want to be, what goals do you have to get there? † Then thats were I started to think about my steps to accomplish were I want to be in the future; my goals. My long term life goals are to get the highest degree in college, become a lawyer, and further myself to become a judge. My first goal is to finish college with a jurist doctor degree. I am currently attending Eastfield College in Mesquite, Texas to gain my associate degree. I will then transfer to Southern Methodist University (SMU). My major is family law which I will do seven more years of school after my associate’s degree to obtain the jurist doctor degree. The next goal I have is to get into law school by passing the LSAT as well as completing my legal education. Law school is a total of two years or more after achieving the bachelor’s degree. I plan on then studying to pass the bar exam to further myself to become a judge. My last goal is before I strive to be a judge I must get elected to the court by the people. I then will complete the judgeship training. After all those steps are complete, I will then be able to have my own name plaque as Judge De La Torre. I’ve calculated the total years I would be in school is eight years, by the time I finish all these goals I’ll possibly be in my mid-forties. My mother always said â€Å"days will pass, if you do not do nothing now by the time your old you will have nothing done and you will wish you could go back in time, but it will be to late; so do it now so when you become old you will be someone in life, Its mind over matter. † I always think about that; like your in school why not learn, your there anyway might as well do something. Life is difficult and hard but I know to get were you want the person must not care and do any obstacles that come across someone. As for myself I don’t care how long it takes or how hard. I will do what it takes. I plan to accomplish every element I can to achieve a jurist doctor degree, pass the LSAT and the bar exam, get elected into the court. People who state what they want as a goal should know although it is not easy the risk is worth it.